
Over time, sun exposure combined with the natural aging process causes fine lines and wrinkles to develop on the face. Eventually, these conditions can worsen, causing folds and sagging skin on the face and neck.

To eliminate these imperfections and restore a youthful facial appearance, many individuals desire facelift surgery. Also known as a rhytidectomy, this procedure can make a person appear noticeably more youthful. Additionally, it can make the face and neck seem much slimmer and a person appear more rested.

Because not everyone’s facial features age in the same way, it is critical to determine how you have aged. During a consultation, Dr. John Mancoll will discuss with you what your goals are. After, he examines your face, he will then discuss the options that you have with a facelift and help determine if the procedure is right for you.


Ideal Candidates

The best candidates for facelift surgery are in good physical and emotional health. Patients should not smoke or take drugs like aspirin for at least two weeks prior to surgery. Although great results can be achieved, patients should have realistic expectations about the outcome of their surgery.

A facelift can correct the following conditions:

  • Creases between the cheek and nose (nasolabial creases)
  • Sagging jowls
  • Loose neck skin
  • Fat deposits in the face and neck
  • Mariette lines of the lower jaw and cheek
  • Flattened cheek bones


Dr. Mancoll performs facelift surgery on an outpatient basis with the patient under deep sedation. The procedure usually takes between 4 and 6 hours to perform, depending on the amount of improvement needed. Facelift surgery is geared toward fixing the results of facial aging, such as sagging, loose skin and ligaments of the face, and deflation of cheek fullness. However, because not everyone ages in the same manner, various surgical approaches are needed.

Full Facelift

This operation is intended to help patients who have all of the indications of an aging face. This includes flattening of the cheekbones, prominent nasolabial creases and relaxed skin of the face and neck. Incisions are made in the hairline by the temples. The incisions extend down in front of the ear and end in the hairline behind the ears. A neck lift is incorporated into this type of facelift and is done at the same time. Additionally, some patients also choose to have fat grafting to the cheeks and tear trough, eyelid surgery, and a brow lift all at the same time.

Mini Facelift

This type of facelift is perfect for patients who have just a little bit of skin laxity of the cheeks and don’t have a whole lot of jowling or laxity of their neck. The incisions are made in the creases of the ears and around the bottom of the earlobes. This is a great procedure for patients at the early stages of facial aging who want to maintain a youthful look by staying ahead of the aging changes. Usually, these patients will be in their late 30s to 40s or have had significant weight loss.

Mac Lift

When Dr. Mancoll utilizes this facelift technique, he usually can avoid the scar behind the ear. The extra skin is pulled in a more upright direction and extends into the hairline a little more than with other techniques. Typically, it is done with patients who also are having lower eyelid surgery to maximize the results of surgery.


There are several factors that determine the total cost of facelift surgery, including:

  • Facility fees
  • Anesthesia fees
  • Surgical fees
  • Prescriptions for medication
  • Post-surgery garments

Facelift surgery is not covered by insurance because it is considered a cosmetic procedure. Feel free to contact the surgical coordinator for pricing and to request more information about this or other cosmetic procedures.

Potential Risks and Complications

As with any surgical procedure, there are certain risks associated with a facelift operation, including injury to facial nerves, scars, infection, bleeding, asymmetries, postoperative discomfort, and adverse reaction to anesthesia. Although significant complications are uncommon, patients should understand that any surgery, performed for any reason, has risks and should not be taken lightly.

Dr. Mancoll prides himself on his ability to communicate with his patients and tailors each discussion to the patient’s individual needs. Dr. Mancoll and his staff will spend time helping you understand your procedure. You should feel free to ask questions at any time, and if you don’t understand the information, we will be more than happy to go over it again.


After the facelift is finished, bandages will be applied, and a special tube will be inserted under the skin to drain any excess fluid. Prescribed medication will help alleviate any pain and discomfort that exists for the first few days after surgery. Most patients feel they can return to work after about 2 weeks, but any strenuous activities and exercises should be avoided for at least 4 to 6 weeks.


The results of a facelift will be immediately apparent, but due to swelling and bruising, it may take several weeks to months for the final contour to be seen. Patients are typically very satisfied as their new look becomes more noticeable over the coming weeks. To ensure that the results of facelift surgery are long lasting, sun protection should always be worn when possible.


We welcome you to schedule a consultation with board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. John Mancoll by calling Mancoll Cosmetic & Plastic Surgery at (757) 305-9185 or filling out our online contact formDr. Mancoll has been voted by his peers as one of Coastal Virginia’s Top Plastic Surgeons. He is devoted to helping each individual patient achieve the best results possible.